The furnace of affliction
I visited a steel mill recently. Top executives sat in large air-conditioned offices and labourers worked at the furnace, sweating heavily in the long overalls they wore.
In life you must choose which divide you want to belong. This is influenced by your daily choices (how do you spend your time?), your risk appetite (how willing are you to take risks?), your knowledge quotient (how well do you know your field?), your passion (how intoxicated are you to want what you claim to want?) and the supernatural (how sound is your relationship with God?).
Success and failure are not given, they’re achieved. You’re not a product of chance, but of choice. You choose to live, to die, to dream and to have faith in God. Your life is a summation of your daily choices.
d1 + d2 + d3 + … d1m = YL
(Where d is decision, m is million, YL is your life).
I saw the labourers pour molten steel as red hot liquid fire. Endure your furnace of affliction. This is where you’re melted, cut to size, made to shape, moulded into destiny. This is where you’re transformed to a candidate for cosy offices. Every problem is designed with an expiry date, it won’t last, friend.
Your light and momentary troubles are achieving for you an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Endure hardship.
Labels: anxiety, endurance, patience, problems, resilience
Very inspiring post. I'm sharing with people. Hope you're fine.
aloofar, At
17 March, 2010 06:47
I wish every person (especially teenager) in Nigeria would read this piece and get fired up to meet the challenges of their lives.
Razaq Obe, At
17 March, 2010 08:03
I can see that a lot of good thinking goes into these posts. Well done. I have a friend I would love to share today's motivation (Furnace of Affliction) with but she's Francophone. I'll have to send it to someone to translate. If it works out, I'll send you the French version.
Good job.
Ayobami Ojebode, PhD
Visiting Research Fellow
Universiteit Leiden
Ayo Ojebode, At
18 March, 2010 21:42
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