You are sometimes locked up in life’s oven. Your life is immersed in challenges, conflicts, demands and disappointments that seem overwhelming. Streams of problems flow ceaselessly and solutions to them elude you. You see no light but gross darkness, bleak hopes and pipe dreams. You desire to see the dark clouds pass away. But it persists for as long as it wills- for as long as it requires to fulfil its purpose. Problems are for a reason and a season.
In a world of dashed hopes and dreams, fraud, sabotage and economic meltdown; renewed courage, determination and hope must be your companion. You need staying power to survive the heat. Dough endures the oven heat before it becomes bread. Clay endures the kiln before it transforms into an adorable ceramic. Gold endures the smith’s fire to become a champion’s medal. On your way to “becoming”, you must endure the heat. Great treasures are fashioned in hot, dark and secluded places. Time is a factor that must not be compromised. Impurities need to be burned out, pure particles need to be melted and moulded into a masterpiece.
Everyone wants to “become” great. Renown comes with its challenges. Patience is the master of all values. Nothing done haphazardly lasts long. An unripe mango will do much harm to your body. Stop trying to jump the gun, endure the process- it will be part of your story. Behind every great man is a story. What is going to be your story?
You must also be in control of your mind, will and emotions. Opportunities to take rash decisions will always present themselves in the heat. Tomorrow is always a victim of today’s decisions. Try not to make decisions that will jeopardize future chances and opportunities. During decision-making, keep sustainable change in view. It is no point cutting corners today to regret tomorrow.
Your life’s course can be cheaply navigated by smartly controlling your emotions. Most human actions are emotionally induced. Censor your thoughts; any thought that becomes dominating has the capacity to induce a corresponding action from you. In other words, your body acts on thoughts that pervade your mind. Think positively. Replace negative thoughts with opposites.
Empower your will to do what is right, despite debilitating situations. Approach issues from an offensive, not from a reactive standpoint. Do not fret in response to bad news.
While you are getting cooked in the heat, realise that the process will bring out a new improved you. Your will, emotions, personality, values and character are becoming transformed. Walk the walk, talk the talk, and endure adversity while it lasts. Before the sun comes darkness, before healing comes pain. Receive a resurgence of hope.
You don’t live on what you eat, but only what you digest. This is true for your mind as well as for your body. -Anonymous
Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or walk around it, but never give up. –Michael Jordan
Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dream. -Anonymous
· You may email your reactions, questions via this email link: motivation.today@yahoo.com
· Current and past editions of this e-newsletter are available on my blog-
www.tundehundeyin.blogspot.com . You may also post your reactions on the website.
· To register a friend, send “Subscribe” with the e-mail address to motivation.today@yahoo.com
· To be removed from this e-mail list, send “Unsubscribe” to motivation.today@yahoo.com
In a world of dashed hopes and dreams, fraud, sabotage and economic meltdown; renewed courage, determination and hope must be your companion. You need staying power to survive the heat. Dough endures the oven heat before it becomes bread. Clay endures the kiln before it transforms into an adorable ceramic. Gold endures the smith’s fire to become a champion’s medal. On your way to “becoming”, you must endure the heat. Great treasures are fashioned in hot, dark and secluded places. Time is a factor that must not be compromised. Impurities need to be burned out, pure particles need to be melted and moulded into a masterpiece.
Everyone wants to “become” great. Renown comes with its challenges. Patience is the master of all values. Nothing done haphazardly lasts long. An unripe mango will do much harm to your body. Stop trying to jump the gun, endure the process- it will be part of your story. Behind every great man is a story. What is going to be your story?
You must also be in control of your mind, will and emotions. Opportunities to take rash decisions will always present themselves in the heat. Tomorrow is always a victim of today’s decisions. Try not to make decisions that will jeopardize future chances and opportunities. During decision-making, keep sustainable change in view. It is no point cutting corners today to regret tomorrow.
Your life’s course can be cheaply navigated by smartly controlling your emotions. Most human actions are emotionally induced. Censor your thoughts; any thought that becomes dominating has the capacity to induce a corresponding action from you. In other words, your body acts on thoughts that pervade your mind. Think positively. Replace negative thoughts with opposites.
Empower your will to do what is right, despite debilitating situations. Approach issues from an offensive, not from a reactive standpoint. Do not fret in response to bad news.
While you are getting cooked in the heat, realise that the process will bring out a new improved you. Your will, emotions, personality, values and character are becoming transformed. Walk the walk, talk the talk, and endure adversity while it lasts. Before the sun comes darkness, before healing comes pain. Receive a resurgence of hope.
You don’t live on what you eat, but only what you digest. This is true for your mind as well as for your body. -Anonymous
Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or walk around it, but never give up. –Michael Jordan
Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dream. -Anonymous
· You may email your reactions, questions via this email link: motivation.today@yahoo.com
· Current and past editions of this e-newsletter are available on my blog-
www.tundehundeyin.blogspot.com . You may also post your reactions on the website.
· To register a friend, send “Subscribe” with the e-mail address to motivation.today@yahoo.com
· To be removed from this e-mail list, send “Unsubscribe” to motivation.today@yahoo.com
Labels: motivation, Self development, skill/capacity development
Yours is truly a pen of a ready writer, we knew you're
gifted for this, right now it's more than a
'gift', you're inspired to write.....I pray for
more of His breath into your spirit as you continue to open
up to Him.
I hope these words mix with faith in the hearts of all that
will come across them.
Thank you very much!
Kunle O.
Anonymous, At
18 July, 2009 15:04
Thanks for d thots, very encouraging, i've
shared it with some friends. d anointing will continue
to flow on you.
God bless u.
Anonymous, At
18 July, 2009 15:06
I am greatful to God for giving you the
inspirations for the write ups, they come in good seasons,
and i am not suprised since its straight and direct from our
God. The part of "Opportunities to take rash
decisions will always present themselves in the heat."
was really a message meant for me at this season. I am
blessed. It is well with you.
Adebiyi Adewale
Anonymous, At
18 July, 2009 15:09
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